NDSS advocates that up-to-date and accurate information on Down syndrome be delivered to women and families at the time of diagnosis. The ranges are later used by the perceptron script that tries to find the optimal scores within these ranges.The National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS) advocates for increased FDA oversight of noninvasive prenatal screening tests (NIPTs) for Trisomy 21 and supports legislation and advocacy at all levels for effective solutions toward that goal. Immutable rules get fixed ranges at their scores. The magnitude of the range depends on the ranking (generated by hit-frequencies) of a rule. Tenpass/split-log-into-buckets-random score-ranges-form-freqsĬalculates a score-range for the rules. RunGA (parameters are saved in a "config" file) Note that the generated scores may vary somewhat if runGA is run twice, due to the random selection of the training examples. The runGA script also generates a "badrules" file by calling lint-rules-from-freqs, that contains rules that are not useful for different reasons (most of them hitting too rarely or not at all).

This folder contains a "scores" file with the generated scores and corresponding ranges, the "*.log" files that were used for the score generation and for the testing (in "/NSBASE" and "/SPBASE" folders), lists of false-negatives and false-positives that were found in the test, a logfile that contains the used parameters for the score generation, the output of the makefile ("make.output") and a false-positives vs. The script generates several files in the "/tmp" folder by calling logs-to-c, and a new folder named by the options ("gen*") in the config file. Lint-rules-from-freqs badtestsĬorresponding "*.log" files to the chosen scoreset X (named "ham-setX.log" and "spam-setX.log") are required in the "/ORIG" folder. Rules that rarely hit (below 0.03%) or don't hit at all, rules with a negative score that have a higher spam-hit rate than ham-hit rate, rules with a positive score that have a higher ham-hit rate than spam-hit rate, rules with score = 0. It therefore uses a freqs file generated by hit-frequencies (with -x -p options). This script analyzes the rules for usability. Parse-rules-for-masses lint-rules-from-freqs Logs-to-c with -count option hit-frequencies Mails above the threshold are classified as spamįalse-positives logfile (list of false negatives)įalse-negatives logfile (list of false positives) Tests a scoreset and *.log files for false-positives and false-negatives and returns a statistic. This script counts the number of CPU in your system It's necessary to calculate 4 different scoresets for the rules, depending on whether the bayes or the net option is used:Ī scoreset is one of the 4 columns in a score file like "./rules/50_scores.cf" cpucount In brief these scripts are used to mass check hand classified corpora and to calculate new scores with the percpetron approach using the results of a mass check. This is an overview of the scripts in the SpamAssassin masses folder.

If you have need of them, they can be publicly fetched from SVN. Since few users actually use these tools, they have been dropped from the distribution.

The masses folder was included in the source tarball prior to SA 3.2.0.